Take full advantage of  your 2017 FSA account before the dollars are forfeited!

If you have a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), or a Health Savings Account (HSA) through your work, now is the time to use it. Many people forget that they have these dollars available to them. The 2016 FSA  dollars are forfeited in early 2017 if they are not used, so you’ll want to be sure to use them completely before they disappear!!

Now can be an ideal time for the new straight smile with Invisalign or braces that you’ve been dreaming of or you may want to pay off the balance of your current treatment in progress. Start by taking a look at your remaining FSA and HSA dollars and your employer’s orthodontic insurance benefits. You are welcome to call us to discuss your plan options. We are happy to help! We work closely with you to take full advantage of your insurance, FSA and HSA!

Bottom line: Now is the time to plan for your short-term and long-term smile enhancement … and we’re here to help! 

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